Automation And Digitalization: Solutions Within AUTOMA + Healthcare 2022
AUTOMA + Healthcare is held on September, 26-27, 2022, in Zurich, Switzerland, and gathers leaders from hospitals & healthcare providers, pharmaceutical companies, governmental bodies and institutions with the main goal to contribute to further development of ongoing digital health trends. AUTOMA+ Healthcare is organized as a place to present case-studies, exchange experience in digital transformation and network.
The business program of AUTOMA+ 2022 is created to cover the topics of the healthcare industry:
- Social aspects of digitalization
- Data capture and usage from self-monitoring technologies
- Strategies to improve patient centricity for health systems
- Building trust in digital health tools
- New patient-centric solutions
- Smart digital medical devices and smart hospitals
During 2 days of intensive networking, participants get direct access to the whole value chain of the healthcare industry. Among the highlights of the program is C-level opening panel discussion, redrawing healthcare with AI and robotics, gamified education and virtual health and start-up closing session.
Healthcare Automation and Digitalization Congress is an annual B2B networking event. Among participants, there are representatives of Lundbeck, Bluefish Pharmaceutical, Novo Nordisk, Ferrer, Sheba City of Health, University Medicine Essen, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and others. AUTOMA+ Healthcare is the place to discuss innovative solutions and business practices and share case studies and insights.
Request the full business program of AUTOMA+ Healthcare on the website: