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HOSPOTEL, The future hospital with seamless integration of wellness and hotel

By Dr. Prem Jagyasi, a Times Award-Winning Global Speaker and Certified Corporate Trainer

From my past experience in the healthcare sector, I strongly believe hospitals will need to provide something more than medical services for improved outcomes and patient satisfaction. In comes HOSPOTELS that take a holistic approach to patient well-being with the proper amalgamation of hospitality and wellness services. The future hospitals or HOSPOTELS are likely to implement more cross-sectoral services borrowing from hotels and wellness resorts that will significantly impact the patient’s journey to healing.

Changing mindsets and expectations will drive HOSPOTELS

Patients expect to be treated as guests; this has been a vital shift in the overall mindset. In the hospital, a patient goes through an emotional roller-coaster that can impact his/her treatment and recovery.  I have keenly observed, hospitals addressing the patient’s expectations with more emphasis on care, comfort, and convenience factors have experienced better outcomes in all respects. 

Today, the need is even more. Assessing patients’ demands and expectations is not easy, but more or less, the following aspects could serve as the baseline. 

  • A residential feel in the clinic or hospital just as a guest feels in a hotel. No intimidating ambience or the ice-cold mechanical approach of physicians, nurses, and non-medical staff.
  • Seamless services. Zero waiting time for registration, appointment, consultation, diagnosis, treatment, and disengagement from the facility.
  • More informal communication with a genuine feeling of care. 
  • Facility with wellness vibes, giving the feel that nothing can go wrong.
  • Keeping touch with touchless services.
  • Comforting facilities that help in reducing pain and suffering while healing may take some time.
  • More comfort and convenience for those accompanying the patients. They could be friends or family members.
  • Enhanced gratification in F&B services.
  • Improved convenience with end-to-end seamless tech support through apps and connected platforms in pre- and post-hospital stays.

Seamless integration of wellness and hospitality – key HOSPOTEL concept

HOSPOTELs will evolve as one of the kind facilities offering cutting-edge treatments, wellness services and the best level of hospitality enabling patients go through an incredible experience. 

Key features are likely to be as follows:

Taking out the fear and apprehension

Creating a relaxing and tension-free ambience is the first thing HOSPOTELS will focus on.  No intimidating treatment rooms, consultation chambers, or testing labs. 

So would be the verbal communication, gestures, and body language of all staff including physicians, nurses, attendants, and receptionists that will generate assurance not fear

Good pre-admission experience

Prior to admission, a patient has to go through stressful diagnostic tests and assessments. HOSPOTELs will provide valuable information about the patient’s health status, upcoming admission, treatment procedures, attending physicians, and other arrangements tailor-made to meet his/her specific needs. The aim is to minimize dread and set realistic expectations among patients.

Wellness design and architecture

A fresh, warm, and cosy feeling with aesthetically pleasing biophilic features will make up the core of the HOSPOTEL design.It could be like including a pool, walking track, prayer and meditation centre, healing garden, green open spaces for relaxation, fitness centre, or even a small wellness spa. Eateries, waiting places, and lobbies will have unique designs with added comfortable features instead of usually-observed crowded spaces.

Great amenities

I have seen how great in-room services can make a patient feel at home and reduce his/her anxiety.  It could be like bedside infotainment, easy access to wi-fi, cable connections, music, and last but not the least, convenient parking facilities.

Family-oriented ambience

It is not the patients who should feel calm and relaxed, but also the family members accompanying them. They may not be the direct clients but could play a great role in healthcare decision-making especially in hospital selection.

HOSPOTELS can accommodate a library, entertainment spaces, kids’ spaces, an extra guest bed, infotainment facilities to make accompanying visitors feel at ease during their visits or stay in the facility.

Stress and anxiety management programs

Integrating guided mind-body programs into medical treatments provides the much-desired mental and emotional support to patients. HOSPOTELS can be exemplary in this.

Special services will make a big difference

I feel, Hospotels can curate mind-body engaging indoor and outdoor activities or alternative therapies under professional supervision to facilitate healing and recuperation.

Genuine empathetic communication

Humane and empathetic communication matter in boosting patient’s mental well-being. It starts from receptionists, attending physicians to all staff interacting directly or indirectly with the patients.  When patients wait with bated breath counting minutes in apprehension, warm and comforting communication can make a big difference. They will generously give higher ratings for good communication and empathy.

Integrated wellness catering

Hospital food need not be bland or tasteless since it is meant for patients. On the contrary, they will be served happiness with customized food plans created by recognized chefs. Dining spaces are more likely to give the feeling of a decent restaurant rather than a cramped cafeteria.

Post-discharge care

In my opinion, patients deserve a hassle-free time-saving discharge procedure. When they are eager to go home, spending hours on discharge is punishing. Caregivers should be prompt in handing out follow-up schedules and post-treatment care programs. Post-discharge phone calls to check on the patient’s condition can boost patient satisfaction significantly. 

Caregivers need to don many hats

There is a need for specially-trained caregivers who can don several roles of a nurse, physiotherapist, medical aid, or counsellor as and when required. When you think of uplifting hospitality standards, caregivers should play a crucial role.

Monitoring patient satisfaction and collecting feedback

HOSPOTELS should regularly monitor patient satisfaction levels and their feedback. This is crucial to maintain a high occupancy rate. Internet literacy is growing among patients who will check reviews, and feedback before making a choice. Finally, Hospotels will have to create the right working ambience and culture to foster a great connection between the hospital staff and patients to enhance performance and reputation.

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