ADAM: Al-AHLI Hospital Doctors’ Assistant Module (EMR) Overview… A Comprehensive Medical Assistance System
The ADAM (EMR), Al-Ahli Hospital Doctors’ Assistant Module presents a comprehensive 360-degree EMR dashboard, designed to provide healthcare practitioners and reception/registration teams with a thorough view of documentation and events pertaining to a patient, accessible with proper authorization. As a pivotal component fully integrated with other ADAM (EMR) modules, it serves as the central hub for managing Physicians, providers as well as patient information within healthcare facilities. The key functionalities of the system are:
Doctors/Nursing App Outpatient:
Digital Medical Records/Medical History, Electronic Documentation through ID Verification, Treatment Plan, Integration with all the departments; Lab, Pharmacy, radiology and MRI, to ease Patient Experience).
Doctors /Nursing APP ER:
Room Management, Endorsement with the doctors, Triaging system.
Admission APP:
The Medication Administration feature is connected to screens through a notification system to the clinical team to give medications on time, in addition to a fully-fledged Documentation System, Dual Authentication Monitoring System managed by the Head of Department, Room Management, Endorsement and Referral System.
Referral System:
- Instant External Referral system to certain cases.
- Internal Paperless Referral system within all the departments.
Appointment System
Booking Doctors’ appointments,
Services (Vaccines, physiotherapy sessions), Rooms; Integrated system through a dashboard.
Instant Booking, no waiting time.
Finance, GSD, Insurance, access to Patient Medical History, Insurance to back up their claims.
Pharmacy App (ADAM Pharma)
Outpatient: Integrated with the EMR System, Integrated with the insurance for instant transactions, Inventory System, Recommend alternative medications in case of the unavailability of the prescribed one.
Inpatient: Preparation of medications Administration/ Intake, Inventory System, Reporting System
Quick Registration (Saving patients time).
- Paperless operation, Integration with the Insurance Companies (Built-in with the Doctors).
- Reporting System per Insurance Company.
- Reporting System (rejections, revenue, approvals, claims).
The most important features of this very modern ADAM (EMR) system are:
- High productivity.
- Patient satisfaction.
- Ease of use.
- Speed and innovation.
- Return on investment.
The system is developed using the powerful and versatile .Net Core framework, providing a robust and scalable foundation for handling complex healthcare data.
For the frontend, the system employs the latest version of Angular, a widely-used and highly dynamic web application framework.
The combination of .Net Core, Angular, and HTML5 ensures a robust, secure, and user-friendly platform for healthcare practitioners and support teams.
Scalability and Performance
The technology stack is designed to be scalable, accommodating the growing needs of healthcare facilities. ADAM (EMR) is capable of handling increasing data volumes without compromising performance, ensuring that healthcare professionals can access patient information swiftly and efficiently.
User Roles and Access
The system is utilized by Reception/Registration, Admission, Nursing, Insurance, Health Records, and Finance Teams. Various roles are available, ensuring access is granted only to authorized personnel.
Key Features and Functionality
1. List of Appointments: Easily view and manage all scheduled appointments.
2. List of Visits: Track and access information related to patient visits.
3. List of Lab Tests: Comprehensive overview of all laboratory tests conducted.
4. List of RAD Tests: Access details regarding Radiology tests performed.
5. List of Other Reports: View miscellaneous reports for a patient.
6. List of Physio Sessions: Monitor and manage all physiotherapy sessions.
7. List of In-House Visits: Keep track of visits conducted within the healthcare facility.
8. List of Discharge Summaries: Access comprehensive discharge summaries for patients.
9. List of OR Notes: Retrieve and manage Operation Room notes.
10. List of Nursing Notes: Access nursing-related documentation for patients.
11. Access to Scanned Health Record: Retrieve and view digitized versions of health records.
12. Access to Email/SMS the Patient: Communicate with patients through integrated email and SMS features.
13. List of Insurance Approvals: Track and manage insurance approvals seamlessly.
By offering a user-friendly interface and robust functionality, ADAM (EMR) streamlines the workflow for healthcare professionals and support teams, ensuring efficient management of patient information throughout the healthcare facility.