Hospital NewsNews

International Reaccreditation, Another Milestone in Excellence for Al-Ahli Hospital

Al-Ahli Hospital has been awarded four years full healthcare reaccreditation by the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards International (ACHSI), one of the top healthcare accreditation bodies in the world. This event marks the four years since the Hospital first achieved full international accreditation under the ACHSI Evaluation and Quality Improvement Program (EQuIP).

The accreditation evaluation was conducted by peers from Australia, Hong Kong and India who evaluated full compliance with 46 demanding standards and extensive evidence of continuous quality improvement activities across all aspects of the Hospital’s operations. The team were also satisfied that the recommendations made during the previous accreditation cycle have been fully implemented.

The survey team, led by Mr. Vincent Gaglioti congratulated the hospital on its measureable improvements across all evaluation areas and on the significant enhancements implemented in team collaboration and focus on improving the quality of care.

Mr. Khalid Al-Emadi, Chief Executive Officer welcomed the opportunity for an in-depth peer review and feedback and acknowledged the commitment demonstrated by all staff to strive for the highest international standards of care and quality. He said “achieving ACHSI accreditation originally was a significant boost to the team and this helped propel them to higher levels of achievement”. He added that “sustaining and improving this standard over the longer-term is very gratifying and underscores the Hospital’s mission and values”.

Mr. Jamal Hamad, the Deputy Of Chief Executive Officer of Al-Ahli Hospital said, “The Hospital is eager to achieve and excel in international standards for patients safety and we are doing our best to achieve the highest quality in healthcare for patients by enhancing education and professional development for medical, nursing and allied health professionals. Also,this creates an entrepreneurial spirit among them as they strive for best possible practice”.

He said, “Al-Ahli Hospital initially achieved full international accreditation in 2014 for a four-year period. However, this reaccreditation gives us more challenge to reach higher and higher standards and to sustain our extensive improvements. As a private hospital, it is very important to be at the forefront of safety and quality initiatives and this collaboration with ACHSI now shows the long-term result. Also Al-Ahli Hospital is always interested in implementing the best medical services and being comparable with the healthcare leaders around the world, this can only be achieved by focusing primarily on patient safety.

In addition, Mr. Jamal said that “Al-Ahli Hospital has implemented systems that work and add to the success of the hospital in providing top-class care to patients”.

According to Dr. Abdul Azim Abdul Wahab Hussain, the Medical Director of Al-Ahli Hospital “Al-Ahli Hospital is characterized by professional medical and nursing staff who are dedicated and the proof of this is the strong communication between them which demonstrates a dynamic team focused on patient safety and excellent clinical outcomes. This has been part of the longer-term strategy to provide excellent service and the best quality of care.”

He said, “Al –Ahli Hospital management will always be persistent to support of developments in the medical care and patient’s safety at its highest level”. 

Mr. David Miller, Director – Safety and Quality at Al-Ahli Hospital said “Achieving international healthcare accreditation is not an easy task and maintaining it is even tougher. This can only be achieved by constantly focusing on the quality of the services provided”. He said “The ACHSI EQuIP system creates an ever increasing benchmark and expectation that drives continuous quality improvement and the requirement for strong connections between clinical and non-clinical departments”. He said “the beauty of the EQuIP system is that it evaluates every part of the hospital’s operations from facilities management to the provision of complex clinical care and everything in between. Achieving such a good result from the reaccreditation survey demonstrates the sustainability of all of our improvements which is a great accolade for all of our clinical and supporting staff.”

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