Stay With Us to Make Your Bed Connected
Jitka Stranska, Managing Director LINET MEA
Healthcare has undergone rapid development in recent decades. The development of science, technology, and techniques brings immense benefits. We can take care of patients who would not have a chance to survive in the past because new methods, technologies, and devices are available to doctors and nurses. On the other hand, this entails extraordinary demands – healthcare professionals have to cover and consume a large amount of information and work with technically advanced and complex devices. All of this is coupled with an extreme increase in the administrative agenda.
In addition, despite all the progress, hospital-acquired complications have not disappeared. Falls remain one of the most serious risks, they cause health complications for patients, an increase in the work of health professionals, and raise the cost of hospitalization. The overload of health professionals is always a real threat that limits the functioning of health systems, not only during a pandemic.
LINET’s SafetyMonitor system provides benefits for all parties. The patient is safer because the risk of falls and injuries is reduced. The hospital staff, including nurses and doctors have online information about their patients clearly displayed on a monitor, tablet, or mobile phone. This increases their efficiency because they can schedule and organize their time better without becoming overloaded. Data analysis and evaluations are essential for good management and service which is why SafetyMonitor uses the HL7 v2 standard for transmitting messages. It can be connected to any 3rd party system (nurse call, HIS, etc.) compatible with HL7 v2.

From a managerial point of view, financial benefits are also key. According to the methodology evaluating the consequences of falls in hospitals, it was calculated that by installing SafetyMonitor on 100 beds, the hospital can save more than $ 100,000.
The big advantage is the simplicity, clarity, and intuitiveness of the whole system. Based on several long-term field tests, it was confirmed that the SafetyMonitor application is considered by users, ie. nurses as useful, trustworthy, user-friendly, and most importantly functional. 65% of nurses claim SafetyMonitor’s bed control is user-friendly and helped increase overall patient safety.
I am glad that we have a simple and functional tool that has positive feedback from users. It is a confirmation of the importance and usefulness of smart technologies, which is an area that we intensively focus on as an innovative company. Stay with us to make your bed connected.